Welcome to my blog. This is where I love to share all my cardmaking. I'm a DT Member for Lili's Little Fairies,Crafty Emma's Store (CES Challenge Blog) and Dream Valley. I have no willpower and am a hoarder of paper pads, pens and rubber stamps galore. I love visiting other crafters blogs and have gained many cyber friends threw blogland. Thankyou for taking the time to look at my blog today and I love reading each and every comment.

Sunday 2 November 2008


Some of you will know my son Daniel has Aspbergers Syndrome (which was diagnosed only 2 yrs ago). Aspergers is mild Autism where they are unable to socialise and interact socially, making everyday life quite difficult for them. Because of this we have had a lengthy battle with out local education authority to get Daniel statemented and into a new school as class sizes and lack of help actually stopped Daniel from progressing and took its toll. It took over a year but we have won so far and after much stress and a very expensive solicitor,Daniel started a new school in September, again mainstream but with a satalite unit just for ASD children. A nice class size of 6 pupils and 121 when he needs it. Because of his condition he doesn't have birthday parties as he hasn't a great circle of friends so last year some were kind enough to send Daniel a birthday card. I saved them all and then wrapped up in a box for him to open and he absolutely loved it. Above is a picture of what he received last year. I am asking if any of you would like to send Daniel a card. Daniel does craft with me and is actually quite good and I know another surprise like last year would really put a smile on his face. He will be 11 yrs old on the 7th November and I know how much he appreciates the work we put into our crafting. My email is on my profile or leave a comment and I'll get back to you, but I hope you can understand why I'm asking and not a desperate attempt to break any records.
Thanks for Reading


Happily Ever After said...

This is lovely I would love to make a bithday card for him, as I never have much occassion to make male cards it will be a nice change, get back to me with an adress and I will pop it in the post when finnished. xx

Lee said...

I'd love to send him a card!! Just let me know what addy to send it to! I promise not to make a pink card!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm from the states an just finished a card up for Daniel that I would love to send him for his birthday! If you stop by my blog and click on the "View my Profile" link you can email me your address. I will send it out Wednesday and hopefully if will get there by November 7th.

fishlips said...

I would love to send Daniel a Birthday card, We both have the same birthday month... just let me know where to send it!!!

Wendy said...

I would love to send Daniel a card will email you so you can send me your address
Wendy x

Wendy said...

Claire I've tried emailing you but its coming back to me as undeliverable
Wendy x

Rach said...

Hi claire I would love to send Daniel a birthday card,. hugs rachxx

Rach said...

claire i just tried to email you for your address but it came back as delivery failed..is there anyway you could send me your address. my email is papercraftsbyrach@live.com.
as i would love to send Daniel a card. hugs rachxx

June said...

I will be very happy to get a card done for Daniel.
June x

nessy said...

what a lovely idea claire ~ofcause we will send a birthday ~maybe aaron can give me a hand ~be nice for the boys to get to know each other!!!
what is daniel into at the moment??? fave colours??
does he like pokemon ?~aaron is really into it!!!
vanessa xx
ps ~had a meeting with aarons school yesterday ~seems he`s coping (yes heard that before)~he will not be getting any 1 to 1 ,or extra help!!! as always said the right things to keep us happy ~but is aaron???
so glad daniel is getting the education he needs!

Linanna DESIGNS said...

Hi Claire, I would be soooo happy to sent Aaron a card. The answer to the questions Nessy asked would be a great help. I home educate my son Ben because i had such trouble with him at school, im sure Aaron will come on leap and bounds now he has the help he needs.

Hugs to you both Linda x

ps. please email your details. thank you

Cathy said...

Hi Claire,
I'd love to send Daniel a birthday card. can you send me your addy.
Cathy xx

Carla said...

It would make me happy to send Daniel a card!! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to do something nice! Please send me your addy!!

Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

I will sent him a card Claire.
My son Niklas is having mild Autism too. We are still in the process of diagonse and therapy.


Claudia Rosa ~ Pretty Pressings said...

will you give me your adress please?

Ann said...

Hi Claire - once my Irish visitors have been & gone, I'll get a card in the post to you!! Take care & Hugs
Ann xx

Sue said...

Hi Claire, count me in too, would be glad to help..will email ya later darl or chat later..lol


Donna said...

Hi Claire, please include me to send Daniel a birthday card, just email me your home addy and I'll get myself sorted :) Donna x

Catherine said...

oh Claire, i would love too and my daughter would love to do this for him also. Just email me your address and i'll send them right away :)

Macpurp said...

count me in too!
my email is on my blog.
email me your home addy.
dito about what kinda things Daniel is into just now.

love Tina x

Nikki Fairbairn said...

I would love to make Daniel a card Claire. I am sure I have your address but if not i'll drop you an email. I am so glad to hear you won your battle and that Daniel has started in a new school. I hope he is settling in well. Love and Hugs,
Nikki x

Heather Robinson said...

Claire I would be delighted to send your son a card. Just email me with your address and I'll work on one for him this weekend. I'm so glad you posted. Hugs, Heather

Emma said...

I would love to send Daniel a birthday card and wish him a fantastic birthday. Please let me know your address.
Emma x

Pop's Cards said...

Have you thought of joining him on post pals? that way he will get regular mail all the time?

Pops x

clare said...

hi claire...would love to send daniel a birthday card and hugs for the 7th nov....what a great idea clairex im sure with all these comments daniel is going to spend part of his birthday..opening his cards...lol
glad to hear he's doing much better at his new school..and congrats to him for passing his 11+ well done daniel xxx

hugs clare xx
please pass on your address xx

Sarah said...

I would love to send Daniel a birthday card, let me know where to send it to. I have also left you an award on my blog. I tried to email you but it came back as delivery failed, email me where to send it to to sparklecards@yahoo.co.uk

Sarah x

Christine Riley said...

I would love to send Daniel a birhtday card as well. You can send your addy to my e-mail addres, which is located on my blog.
Hugs, Christine :)

cats whiskers said...

Hi Clair Hun can you e-mail me your address and I will certainly get a card of for Daniel, is there anything he feels a preference for, I know thats a hard question but would like to try and make a card he would really enjoy
Lots of hugs to you all
Jacqui x

Linny said...

Count me in too Claire. Always happy to put a smile on a childs face. Lindax

Marijke said...

You have mail! I also would love to sent him a birthday card!

Marijke said...

Hi claire, the mail came back??Couldn't be delivered it says?
Can you please use the mail I have in the sidebar of my blog to send me the adress?

Wendy said...

Sorry Claire I have tagged you
Wendy x

Cuchy said...

Hi Claire. My daughter Marta and me would love to send him a birthday card. You can send me your address to cuchyy2k AT yahoo DOT com.
Hughs from Spain, M.Carmen

Becky said...

Of course honey! I think I have your address but I'll email just to make sure it's the right one! Love Becky xx

Mada said...

Dear Claire,

First of all, Thank You! for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.


I will definitely send a card (or two) to your little darling. He's such an adorable kid and you're one fantastic Mum.
It will be a real pleasure to craft for Daniel. Does he have any special favourites? Cars, animals, pirates, planes?
Any little 'hint' will help us make a personalized card for him.

My email is mada.vulpescu at gmail.com (also available on my blog)

Please send me your address so I can post it ASAP - the Romanian Post is a bit lazy and it might take 10-12 days for a card to make it to UK.

Many hugs,

Anonymous said...

Hi cLaire I would be very happy to make Daniel a card could you please email me your address hugs han xx

Deb Wood said...

I'd love to send him a card!! Please send me your address and give a little hint about what his likes are!! Hugs, Deb

Angie said...

Hi Claire.
I'd love to do a card for Daniel.
I have a Son of 22 also with Asperger's. He was diagonosed when he was 10 after 5 years of fighting tooth and nail for him to be statemented.
My Son has the same problems as Daniel with social interaction and only has one or two friends but he is a happy loving boy who just loves life and excels at college.
If you ever need to chat, give me a shout.
Love Angie..xx..

Cathy said...

Its in the post Claire. Hope he likes it!
Cathy xx

Annie said...

I sent you an email Claire - Daniel's birthday card all ready to go! hugs, annie x

Craftyideas said...

I will make a card for Daniel -hope he has a lovely birthday love Rachel xx

~Emma~ said...

Claire I would be honoured to make Daniel a card. E-mail me your address and I'll get one done for him. Is there anything in particular he likes? Hugs Em.x

Lyn said...

Just going to e mail you, I would love to join all the others in making a crd for Daniel

Debbie said...

Hi Claire, I would love to send Daniel a birthday card. As you know my son Jack (12) is Autistic so I understand everything your'e saying. I'm so glad you have got Daniel into a good school. My email addy is on my blog so just send me your snail mail Addy and I will mae sure that his card is there for the 7th. Debbie x

Joy said...

Hi Claire it goes without saying that I would love to send Daniel a card, I got your addy. Thanks for your email I've been off line for 3 weeks, loving all your fab cards sorry if I dont leave comments on all of them but I've lots of catching up to do - AGAIN!!! xx

clare said...

hi claire...thanks for your email..got the address xx

and congrats on your blog candy win over at arlines allsorts..wowww what great candy you won xx

hugs clarexx

Donna said...

Hi Claire, i would love to send Daniel a card, can you e mail me your address, its on my blog. Take care Donna x

Donna said...

Hi Claire, i would love to send Daniel a card, can you e mail me your address, its on my blog. Take care Donna x

Donna said...

Hi claire i would love to send Daniel a card, my e mail address is on my blog. Donna x

DawnMarie said...

Hi Claire, add me to the list for your address. Was just thinking how fab us crafters are, its like our own little community and everyone so willing to join in or help with whatever is needed. Thank you for your comments on my blog. DawnM.x

Carolyn King said...

What a perfect idea---and fun for him to receive on his birthday. I am happy to make him a card...just send the info my way!

Crafting Queen said...

Add me to your list please, would love to send a card. Tried to send an email to you but it could not be delivered :(....
Any favourite character?

sam21ski said...

No worries Claire, will be glad to help xxxx

Sharon said...

Hi Claire, I would love to send Daniel a card. His birthday is just 3 days before my little boys 1st birthday so it will be fun to make two boys cards! Let me have your address my email is d.sclifford@blueyonder.co.uk


simplyfairies said...

Awww Claire what a fabulous idea, I of course will send Daniel a card...

It's also lovely to see such a response too..

Alison said...

Hi Claire, i would be delighted to send Daniel a card. Could you email me your addy its in my profile. Thanks.

Dawn Wheeler said...

Oh wow i would love to send him a card xxx my sisters boy has the same think so i know how difficult it is xxx we always have to have double birthdays for him so he dose not feel left out xxxx
let me know what are his favourite things so i can make him a card with his favethings xxxxDawnxx

Sue Shaw said...

Wow lots of lovely replies, I would love to make Daniel a card. I will email for your address.
Sue. xxxxxxxxx

WeirdCat said...

Have two aspies (12 and 14) of my own so would happily send him a card from my two

Vicki said...

Hiya Claire, I think this is a wonderful idea and I would love to send Daniel a birthday card. Could I please ask you to e-mail me with your home address so as I can pop a card in the post to your very handsome little lad. My e-mail addy is vicki.cody@sky.com

xx vicki xx

Alhambra Club said...

I am glad ot hear that you got the school thing worked out, sorry to hear it took so long. Would love to send a card, just email me your address and let me know if he has any preference for this card.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog! I would love to send Daniel a card...that is such a wonderful idea! Just let me know where to send it! :)

Donna said...

I've posted Daniels card today Claire :) Donna x

Anonymous said...

Hi Claire...can you email me your address please?
Carole ;-)

Jodi said...

Hi Claire, I would really LOVE to send Daniel a birthday card!! =)
Please contact me!

crafty creations said...

Hi Claire

i sent Daniel a card last year and will be doing the same this year - I have your addy

Hugs Hilda

Anonymous said...

Would love to send Dniel a card ..Just mail me your Addy(e -mail on my profile) and what he likes and will do Clare..
Glad he is settled :)~X~

Anonymous said...

Would love to send Dniel a card ..Just mail me your Addy(e -mail on my profile) and what he likes and will do Clare..
Glad he is settled :)~X~

Victoria said...

Hi I would love to send Daniel a card - just let me know the address hun or if it is ok for Cathy to forward it to me x

Kelly Schelske said...

I would love to make Daniel a card !! Is there anyting in particular he likes or is his favorite?? Kelly

Manuela said...

I would love to send Daniel a birthday card and wish him a fantastic birthday.
Please let me know your address.

Hugs, Manuela

Marijke said...

Hi Claire, I have tried again to send a mail to this adress http://www.clairebsd@aol.com/
It is the mail adress at the right site of your blog, but it comes back, saying the account does not exist? Can you please use my email on my blog, so that I can sent a card to Daniel!

Marijke said...

Thanks Claire, I have received your mail and sent a message back!

Aija said...

Hi Claire,
Ofcourse I want to take a part into this. Could you please send me an e-mail with your address.

Becca said...

I will send a card to Daniel. I too have an autistic child. He is 11 too and high functioning with the diagnosis of PDD...his pic is up on my blog.

It is wonderful that you thought of this for him. Peer interaction is always so difficult.

Take care,

Barbara Hagerty said...

What a wonderful mom you are!! I would be honored to make a card for Daniel!! Please let me know where to send it, and maybe give me an idea of what he likes?? Thanks for the opportunity!!

Mar G said...

Hi Claire - I found your blog & read about Daniel on Sarah's blog (Sparkle Cards).
What a lovely gift idea to help celebrate Daniel's 11th birthday.
I totally understand what you have gone through in order to make sure Daniel's needs are met & that he is educated & supported in a way he understands. Our son Rory (9) has severe Dyslexia & associated difficulties which presents him with many challenges & issues especially with learning & daily life.
We ended up moving Rory to a smaller primary school here in Scotland 2 years ago. School for Rory before then had been very traumatic & it had gotten to the stage where he couldn't cope with attending!
We found ourselves challenging our LEA too & although we didn't require a solicitor, we did end up however going down the official complaints route.
Challenging the system has been a HUGE learning curve for us as a family!
Moving Rory was the best move we ever made as he is now happy to go to school. He is being educated in a way he understands & supported in a way he deserves!
Please e-mail your address so I can send Daniel's card - Tc Mar x

Lynsey said...

Hi Claire
I would love to send Daniel a card. Could you email your address to me at lynseywarren@tiscali.co.uk.
Hugs Lynsey :)

Elaine ♥ said...

Hi Claire.. I totally understand what its like, my eldest son has Aspergers but is high functioning.. I would love to make a card for Daniel. Please email me at
elaineburnett@ntlworld.com with your details :)

Elaine x

Anonymous said...

Hello Claire!! I would LOVE to send a card!! :) Please send me your snail mail addy and I'll get one out!!

Wiccababe said...

Hi Claire,
My friend (Mar G, a couple of posts up) sent me the link to yur blog. I think this is a wonderful idea.
My son has been diagnosed with mild autistic spectrum disorder - tending more towards the aspergers end of the spectrum and has social difficulties too so I completely understand how difficult this can make life - not only for them but as a parent too.
you can contact me through my blog or you may like to have a wee look at the website we started up nearly 3 years ago - its a support and information forum for parents and carers of children with additional needs. (we also have a daughter with a congenital condition) the addy for it is www.extra-special-parents.org
you are very welcome to join it - a problem shared...
anyway, good luck and get in touch so that I know where to send his card
Debbi x

Mariska said...

Hi Claire! I'd love to send Daniel a card. Just e-mail me your details and I'll try to get it to you before his birthday!


Mar G said...

Hi Claire - My e-mail is mariongrindlay@hotmail.co.uk x

Leann said...

Let me know your address hun & I'll get a card to Daniel asap!
Hope he's settling into his new school :)
Hugs x


Tara said...

Hi Claire,
I too would love to send Daniel a card, looks like he's going to get quite a few, lol!!
I'll e-mail you right now! xx

Janice said...

Hi Claire- I've just e-mailed you for your address. I would love to send a card!

Chris said...

I've emailed you too Claire and a card will be in the post to Daniel as soon as I receive your address. I hope he has a wonderful Birthday. Chris x

Lilian said...

Claire, I would love to send your son a card - I think it might be a little late getting to you as I am in Asia. :) If you don't mind the late post - can you please send me your addy and I'll send a card over :)

Ying Pang, said...

Hi Claire,
It's my pleasure to have a card for Daniel, please send me your address, if you don't mind the card will be late, as I live in Asia.

Tessmatt said...

Hi Claire, I will be very happy to make Daniel a card.

crafty creations said...

Hi Claire - I've posted daniels card this morning

x Hilda

Mar G said...

Claire - Thank you so much for your good wishes :)
Enjoyed my first day at work...Everyone in my team lovely & very helpful!
Lots to learn & read but I'm sure I'll get there? (Eventually! Lol)
Thanks again - Mar x

Shelly said...

Hi! What a lovely idea for your son's birthday, I'd be happy to send a card! Glad to hear you've finally gotten somewhere with Daniel's schooling! xx

Anonymous said...

Here is a card I made for Daniel (the 2nd card). Email me with your address and I will send it out! I hope he has a wonderful birthday.
~Lacey Stephens

Elaine ♥ said...

Have posted Daniels card Claire, you should get it today or tomorrow :)

Elaine x

Anne said...

Hello Claire
Got your address from cheribella's blog, card on its way, Happy Bierhday to Daniel :)


Nicole Bailey said...

I have the perfect card for Daniel, email me and I'll send it to him. :O)

craftyb said...

Hi Claire, I'd popped across to your blog earlier but then the hubster was ready for his lift to a "business" meal!!

I saw your request a few days ago and mean't to make a card but it went straight outta my head again until today...so I went straight upstairs and made a card...I don't think it will get there in time but hopefully Daniel will get it on Saturday!

I hope he LOVES his special surprises tomorrow and that you all have a great day! bx

June said...

Happy 11th Birthday to Daniel.
I hope you found a box big enough for all of his cards.
Love June, Kathryn & Aimee xxx

nessy said...

have a very happy birthday daniel ~thinking of you
vanessa, paul,aaron and lewis


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A Bit About Me....

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Kent, United Kingdom
have been making handmade cards for a few years. Enjoy all the new stash that comes on the market and alot end up at my place!!!!!

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